Forest Hills Psychology Group

New York and Connecticut Licensed Therapists

"A joyful life is an individual creation that cannot be copied from a recipe."
-Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi​​​​


Seeking guidance and change can be challenging.

At Forest Hills Psychology Group, we are an inclusive and warm group of qualified professionals to guide you through life's challenges in a safe and calming environment.

We only use the most updated research as well as our own clinical expertise to tailor a therapeutic program to address your individual concerns.

Our goal is to create a space where you can learn not just how to survive, but thrive, in your world.

Our Services

Child and Adolescent Therapy

We use a holistic approach to work toward accepting and reducing the struggles of childhood and adolescence, while returning to the mindful joy of growing up. Some of the challenges we may approach include:

  • Worries about friendships and/or parents

  • General anxiety, sadness, depression, or anger

  • Social anxiety

  • Somatic complaints

  • Body image

  • Gender identity and sexual orientation

  • Academic stress

Pediatric Neuropsychiatric Assessment

Every child has a unique learning profile, and one size does not fit all.

Please contact us if you would like a neuropsychological (also referred to as psychological or psychoeducational) assessment to evaluate your child's needs and concerns, such as:

  • Attention (ADHD) and/or Executive Functioning

  • Cognitive Strengths and Differences

  • Specific Learning Disabilities

  • Giftedness

  • Testing for School Accommodations (IEP or 504)

  • Mood Disorders

Young Adult Counseling

It's not easy! Transitioning into this life phase brings up a lot of questions, feelings, and thoughts.

Maybe you're feeling that you're not ready for this yet, or the concept of nap time suddenly sounds appealing, or all of those icons on your shirt makes it really difficult to do laundry.

Whatever it is, we are here to listen and to help you navigate this confusing and winding path.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) helps individuals regulate powerful and overwhelming emotions. It works across many settings (private, schools, hospitals) with many different groups of individuals (children, adolescents, young adults, adults, families, parents).

DBT skills training focuses on learning the skills necessary to help you feel good in the moment, communicate effectively, tolerate uncontrollable events, and manage emotions.

Parenthood Support

We support mothers and fathers with all aspects of parenthood, from the transition into this new role, to toddlerhood, to parenting a teenager and beyond. Some of the challenges we may work on include:

  • Prenatal support

  • Baby blues

  • Postpartum Mood Disorder (PPMD) in depression and/or anxiety

  • Marital conflict

  • Identity shifts with parenthood

Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE)

Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE) is an evidence-based, structured treatment plan from Yale Child Study Center to help parents manage anxious childhood emotions

  • Concrete strategies to help communicate more effectively with your child(ren)

  • Both group and individual sessions available

  • Supportively respond to your child in ways that will help decrease their anxiety

  • Recommended for general anxiety as well as separation anxiety, social anxiety, specific fears, selective mutism, panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

Mini-Series: Pre-Marital Counseling

A mini series for pre-marital counseling.

  • 8-12 sessions

Mini-Series: Pre-Natal Counseling

A mini series for pre-natal counseling.

  • 8-12 sessions